Unsuspectingly, “Goodbye Germany” immigrant Julia Siefert-Winter proceeded to the wildlife of Lapland with her fiancé in 2018 – just to discover herself suffering a short period later. She now desired to finally release herself from it.
“PS: I love you”. Her ex-fiancé Sven H. (51) had just departed this film on DVD to ” Goodbye Germany ” immigrant Julia Siefert-Winter (31), she stated in the recent episode of the VOX docusoap.
He had boiled all her belongings, containing the armchair of her precious departed grandfather, to which she had been especially connected. A cynical and mysterious farewell from the “bogeyman”, as Sven was dubbed in the four-part “Stern Crime” documentary.
Because her thought incredible love had ridden out to be a convict: Not only had he denied Julia of three weddings, four children, and a jail sentence for forgery and earned himself six years more youthful – at the moment of their emigration together, he had destroyed his mother and wrapped her body in concrete.
Julia now recognized the connection, saying that her intuitions had almost escaped her. Even during filming, her spouse had two facades: charming and generous in a show of the cameras, but antagonistic and downright “crazy” after the sets. She would have adored to have allowed the film team in on the mystery back then.
“Goodbye Germany” Thriller: Secret Escape and Arrest
Luckily for Julia, her dad had had suspicions, gathered knowledge about his nearly son-in-law on his own, and eventually recovered his daughter from her desolate home in Lapland in a cloak-and-dagger process. Sven was captured a quick time later, only five weeks after filming had commenced.
In Germany, he was ultimately convicted to 13 years in penitentiary. He had earlier left his ex-fiancée the mysterious. “PS: I love you” welcoming and later mocked her with notes and dangers from prison.
According to the judgment, he was psychopathic and egocentric, Julia said. He had obtained the killing weapon, a poker to the new house.
The house that Julia desired to enter one final time behind five years and momentarily before the scheduled foreclosure. “I require a split in some form, a farewell, a cutting of this dynamic association,” she clarified her dream.
When she eventually stood in a show of her old residence, everything came flooding before: “I see the pictures before my looks. The roasted things. The dread for my dogs…” She pushed through with it always bringing old images back into the home, located her old cups… and over the period she became more relaxed: “I am more powerful than him!”
“I feel it now: It’s over”
In addition to her treatment, this goodbye ritual appeared to help her make harmony with the history. After her home was eventually dealt with at the foreclosure auction – to the landlord of her intention. Julia’s relief persisted to grow and reached its peak when she ultimately burned the last souvenirs of Sven: “Freedom, closure. I suppose it now: It’s through,” she related her feelings, which could again be read on her look.
And something else allowed her to look ahead: she was in adoration again! With a Swede whose essence she enjoyed keeping mystery for the time being, but who appeared to be an all-round useful soul. “I’ve never felt so secure with someone in my feeders. Everything sank out from me.” For him, she liked to give her plan country Sweden another case and try migrating a second term. Hopefully with a cheerful ending this time!
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